Dear Valued Customer,

We have a duty of care to our clients and their projects. Our mission is to be a creative and efficient Team working on rewarding projects which contribute to the built and natural environment and most of all make our clients proud and happy.

This mission is to be achieved by the 3bd Team understanding our clients’ individual needs and fulfilling their trust with excellent specialist services delivered to budget, programme and high professional standards.
Amid this pandemic, we have adapted and provided the option for our team members to work remotely in the safety of their homes and with this, in mind, we still aim to ensure the quality of our service remains exceptional and constantly improves.

It would help us greatly if you would complete our feedback form which will assist us in monitoring our progress towards achieving our overall mission by filling out this form.
Once again, thank you for being our customer!

For and on behalf of,

The Partners @ 3bd Architects (LLP)